Friday 13 July 2018

Israel Day 9, 12July

First stop was the Chosen People Ministries (CPM) Jerusalem Messianic Centre. CPM was founded in 1894 by Rabbi Leopold Cohn, a Jew who became orphaned at the age of 7 and recognised Jesus as Messiah when he moved to New York City as an adult.

Next was the Israel Museum: Also called the Dead Sea Scrolls Museum. It’s got an unique architecture called the “Shrine of the Book.” Our tour guide Eli kept emphasising that in 2Samuel 11, David saw Bathsheba having a footbath, not a bath.

Markets: Walked around the crowded market. Ate some nuts, drank a cup of coffee (8 shekels), saw some nice spices, saw more shofars!

Yemin Moshe: Yemin Moshe was established in 1892–1894 by the Montefiore Welfare Fund. Located outside Jerusalem's Old City, it was conceived as a solution to the overcrowding and unsanitary conditions inside the walls. The Fund was continuing the work done by British Jewish banker Moses Montefiore and the new project was meant to mark the seventh year after the philanthropist's death. The name commemorates Montefiore's first name and Isaiah 63:11–12.

Talpiot Promenade: From the heights of these landscaped walkways and parks, you can enjoy the full splendour of the city of Jerusalem spread out at your feet. According to Jewish legend, it was from the location of today's promenade that God showed Abraham where one day his descendants would build their holy city, but the old nomad even in his wildest visions could not have foreseen the view that greets travellers today.

Then, drove past the American embassy in Jerusalem.

“Graduation” ceremony: This is the day when we received our pilgrimage certificates! People were all asking for a photo with our tour guide Eli’s hand, because as an archaeologist, he is really good at digging treasures, especially things from the second temple period.

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