Tuesday 18 October 2016

Morling Tuesday Chapel: "Jebus", when we make Jesus into our own image

Topic: "Jebus", when we make Jesus into our own image

Speaker: Rev Dr Michael Frost

Scripture: Colossians 1:24-27

There is an episode of the Simpsons where Homer became a missionary: Homer accidentally created his own religion called “Jebus” in Microasia. He teaches the people to: gamble, drink beer, eat fatty food.

This is a good example of what happens when we make Jesus into our own image. When the Belgians went into the Congo and turned the whole place into a concentration camp: They cut off these people’s hands if they don’t deliver goods and at the same time they make them listen to the gospel every Sunday.

If you get Jesus wrong, it’s a big deal! Colossians is about “Please don’t get Jesus wrong!”

Paul was like a fire hydrant in Chapter 1, pouring out all the truth about Jesus.
V24: Explaining why he’s telling the Colossians all that.

Pagan gods in the worldview of people in the context of the Colossians: Apollo send out elemental forces to keep the world working. They can turn the tap off on the elemental forces anytime they feel cranky with you.

There is a God who is in control of all things who sent his only Son. The Colossians were being invited into this worldview. This God is your Father and not scary.

They are coming to Jesus but still think there’s a big scary god… like Apollo. They’re not sure if they believe the grace of God is there… They put Jesus at the edge of their cosmic view. And out came Paul’s Colossians Chapter 1. Jesus is the centre and the whole edge of the universe. If you add Jesus onto your existing cosmology, you will get Jebus.

Jesus pays the penalty for most of your sins? Paul believes that Jesus paid the penalty for all of our sins.

What Paul is saying is something like this: “A great mystery has occurred in Jerusalem, God has sent his son as atoning sacrifice… now you can be friends with God… How could you Colossians have heard about this, if it wasn’t that we apostles suffered to bring this message to you? This is no small matter to me. Why do you think I am going through this suffering?”
Speaking like a mother wanting to protect this faith: “I suffered so that you may be born and grow… I contended for you… I fought/spoke for you/ protect you.”

Mothering is ferocious. Mike had a type of possum cage trap on his rooftop that has a one way gate which allows the possums to pass through in one direction, but stop the possum from returning again. One night the roof was full of noises like there is serial killing going on. The next day the pest control person saw that it was a pregnant possum which gave birth and left the cage to find food but couldn’t get back through the one way gate to her babies so she clawed through metal bars of the cage!

Protecting this faith so you will not be victim to the deceiving voices around you. So if some horrible elemental disasters happen such as the rivers drying off, it’s not because “you believe in Jesus”.

Fight so that you ensure they get Jesus right. True Christian leadership fights for the truth, for the lambs under your care.

Personal thoughts:
Coincidentally I just watched a video lecture given by Dr Scott Moreau on “Imagining Christ in Today’s World”… Something to think about!

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