Saturday 3 October 2015

ICEJ 2015 Feast of Tabernacles notes

28 Sept, 2015

Juha Ketola

Romans 15:4
1Corinthians 10:11
2Kings 22:1

King Josiah was a great king. His great grandfather was the good king Hezekiah. Son of Hezekiah was Manasseh, who was very wicked. Manasseh’s son was Amon, who was the father of Josiah. All could be healed miraculously, including King Hezekiah: it may not happen to everyone but we could all ask for it.

1King 13 Life of Josiah was prophesised by a prophet 180 years before he was born. Josiah was a reformer who sat on the throne at 8y.o. About 72 years before he saw on the throne, prophet Isaiah had told King Hezekiah that Judah will be taken into captivity by Babylon.

King Josiah took full initiative to postpone the judgment: indeed it did not happen in his lifetime. Whenever we receive a dangerous prophecy (eg. Loss, destruction, failure, misfortune etc), don’t accept it: fight against it and things can change. Faith, repent, confess your sins. The cross is not there to hide you, but to expose you, including all your ugliness, sinfulness, wrong motives, fear, and despair.

2Chronicles 34
When Josiah was 16y.o., he begins to seek God. For in the 8th year of his reign, he began to seek the God of his father David. When Josiah was 21y.o., Jeremiah came into the scene. When he was 26y.o., the book of the Law was found in the temple! It looked like he never had access to the written word of God. This became a new season! He came to the public with the words of God. He wanted to see reformation and revival! He had the grace of God fall upon him. His words reveal a character of Jesus. True reforms are connected with God.

2Kings 23:15
After the book of the Law was found, judgment day was postponed 35 years more.
He had a short life, dying at the age of 39, but he had a very meaningful life, and didn’t lose hope.

Juha Ketola says there is a greater desire than ever before he wants to touch and smell the real thing happening in terms of transformation/reformation. How’s our own lives? Are you making provisions in our flesh? Are we living a holy life? A holy life gives clarity of the spirit and will. How serious are we with the Lord?

How do you speak about your Prime Ministers, your fellow sisters and brothers, etc? Let’s ask that the grace of Jesus to come upon us.

Cindy Jacobs

She authored a whole book on reformation called “The Reformation Manifesto”.
It is possible to do something on earth

Matthew 28:19-20
The Great Commission: to all nations! Even until the end of the age! Our job description is clear! The bible is the manufacture’s handbook.

Genesis 1:28
God commanded us to be fruitful, be a blessing to others. The earth is a colony of heaven, but we did not do a very good job. We need reformers.

Matthew 16:10
The will of God on earth as it is in Heaven! His will to be done!

Deuteronomy 15
There is elimination of poverty if one follows His will.

Supernatural signs of reformers:
Receive power: to do miracles, supernatural signs and wonders. By the power of the Holy Spirit!

Moravians: Led by Count Zinzendorf.
Counter-reformation: great persecution came upon the Protestant church.
Reformation is not without a price. Missionaries got killed, brought back home, their children will continue in their place.

Hitler reigned and killed the Jews. Righteous Gentiles died also whilst helping the Jews. White rose movement was a movement of freedom and liberty. They would write letters calling for the overthrow of Hitler. They would drive all over Germany and go to telephone booth and copy names of all the people, calling for freedom. They were arrested, jailed, given a chance to recant, and then beheaded because they refused to recant. 

We have come to Jerusalem, the great city of the great king, to receive power from up high to change the course of history. This is a historic moment in history.

In the US, there was a time where they were fighting the War of Independence. It was a small country without advanced weapons. There was no way such a battle could be won. George Washington was a man of prayer. He asked, “What can we do to change the course of history??” The first flag says, “An appeal to heaven”. America as a nation has forgotten this.

Shmuel Bowman

Kingdom of God is spoken in Parables.

Reformation that needs to take place in church today. Through bringing the people of Israel back in to the land.

The kingdom of God begins not from the time of Jesus but much further back in Exodus, with the people called Israel.
Exodus 19:5-6 A model of His kingdom.
From nomadic shepherds to slaves (430 years in Egypt, disorganized mass of former slaves) to a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation, the kingdom of God. God’s kingdom is a nation! A society with a culture, religion. How to worship, how to pray, know who’s God. A nation set aside for a special purpose. Israel is a model of the kingdom of God.

What one does outside church is more important than the Sunday service. How do we find our place in God’s kingdom? 4 biblical examples:

1)      Jeremiah 1:5
Jeremiah: Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you.
There is nothing accidental about his ministry.

2)      Psalm 139:13
David: … in my mother’s womb
God already planned the day he was going to live out beforehand.

3)      Galatians 1:15
Paul: When God who had set me apart, even from my mother’s womb, and called me to his grace.

4)      And Jesus of course.

Based on the above, does God have a special class of designer people? Super saints and the rest of us? Or that the truth they live is true about us too? These examples are in scripture because God’s giving us something very important about our lives. We come into this kingdom by invitation only. It’s Jesus who found us, not “I found the Lord”. When God creates a human being, he’s so creative he never creates the same person twice. How unique is each human?

We were born to our parents, who fills us with their expectations, hopes and dreams. Then when we went to school the friends and teachers shape our expectations, hopes and dreams. The world is filled with many adults become people who became pleasing to certain groups of people, but yet they do not know who they are. Then God calls us, perhaps through tragedy when we realise a need for God in us.

What’s the difference between calls vs. chosen? It depends on the little decisions we make when we become aware of our call. We chose to be chosen. We learn to approach God. This one who called me is not just my saviour, best friend, etc, but he’s my creator! When that realization begins to sink in, the next thing we want to do is to go back to this creator and “if you created me before I was born and there was a plan in your mind, what was on your mind? What’s the story about me? Who am I to you? Why am I here? What do you want me to do?” People might ask, “I want to ask God, but I can’t hear him.” Why would God tell us, if He knows that we’re not going to do it? Then it is probably more merciful that He doesn’t tell you anything. Or else, it just increases your guilt. Until the day comes when you’re really serious, promising you’ll do it. When we are ready to do what God wants us to do, then the door of heaven opens. When God start telling us His plan, a passion is in our heart for this thing. I will do it every day even if no one pays attention. An ability also emerges in our lives as we begin to do what God wants us to do, which not only we recognize, but others recognizes it too, and this is our “gift”. And this gets touched with supernatural power: our anointing. Someone who’s gifted and anointed can lift you up. They can’t give you their gift but you can ask God for His gift for us which he will give according to His desires.

Things don’t happen by accident. God is building a kingdom according to design. Sometimes God will impact someone strongly through your gift, which are your fruits. This is how the kingdom of God advances. Every single one of us will be accountable for what we did and said in this life.

Don’t be so concerned about how other people are doing in their callings. Be concerned about God’s calling for ourselves.
Did you equip them? Did you tell them the truth?
We’re going to reform the church, and Israel will be the foundation, as that is always part of God’s place, and Christianity as a movement will surge forward again. That’s when we can be the Bride of Christ.

David Elms

Sometimes after reformations occur, the church/society thought they didn’t have a need to reform anymore. But we always need more of God: more grace, more faith etc. We live by the words that God has given to us.

We are taken from one level of glory to another level of glory, one level of faith to another level of faith, etc. When we listen to God’s words/read the bible, we always receive a new light. Israel is mentioned 2000xs in the bible: so if there’s such emphasis we should pay close attention to it. We need to get in to the word of God.

Genesis 17 ,“I will establish my convenient, between me and you, and the descendants after you, to an everlasting covenant.”  It was a hard time for Abraham. He encountered many disappointments, many of which were with himself.

Jacob was lift alone and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. He lost everything and was on his journey back to regain everything. To go on his journey back, he had to wrestle with God. Sometimes people give up too easily. Psalm 48, And we called not disappointments. God does not want us to be disappointed. He wants us to be people of trust and confidence. People who can go before Him and say “I’m desperate for you, I’m desperate for this breakthrough!” Jacob wrestled and wrestled against God, and told God “I will not let you go unless you bless me!” And so He said to him, “what is your name?” and told him his name is changed to Israel. Sometimes individuals prevail, but sometimes individuals don’t. Jacob saw God face to face: this is the first incident in the bible which describes a face to face encounter with God. God looks at our hearts: a relationship, not head knowledge.

The bible did not begin in Jerusalem but ends in Jerusalem. Israel is a means to the end, and it’s about salvation for the world. Salvation is from the Jews, that’s why whenever we meet a Jew, we need to remind ourselves this is where salvation comes from. 2000xs the bible speaks about Israel, the city of the great king.

Isaiah 49:5, Jacob is going to come back to God fully, Israel will be restored. Through trials and difficulties of Israel, salvation will reach to the end of the earth. We will see a mighty deliverance because we have a mighty deliverer. Israel is a light for the nations, a model nation. We pray that this light will get brighter and brighter, and the whole Israel will be saved.

Romans 3, Jews sometimes ask, “What’s the advantage of being a Jew? Why are we being blamed for everything?” It’s a sign of respect, as they were entrusted with the oracles of God.

The Word of God became incarnational, in flesh, in Israel, as Jesus. And we touched him. Jesus sent God the Holy Spirit to touch our lives. Let God, the Holy Spirit, be our teacher and guide. It is not how many meetings we’ve been to but how much have we been changed. David Elms then testified how “The bible went from my head to my heart. And in this wonderful and strange world of the bible, there are still many things to explore.” Everything that need to be changed can still be changed, every heart can be healed. There is a holy nation. There is a city which when God touches it becomes a holy city. The bible concludes with a New Jerusalem, the lead for the healings of all the nations. And the King is coming. The best known parable according the surveys is that of the Prodigal Son.

29 September, 2015

Mosy Madugba

Prayer charges you like you charge yourself with battery. It gives you strong and resistant patience, so you don’t fall into temptations: You’re able to be consistent in your walk with God, and don’t fluctuate in your spirit. It delivers you from conspiracies. The prayerless family is a powerless family, a prayerless church is a powerless church. Jesus began his ministry with prayer, and at any stage in his life where he had to do anything special he had to pray. The Holy Spirit came above him like a dove as he prayed. Supernatural power from heaven. He gave a testimony of how a person died on the plane and people got the doctor as well as the police, but Mosy prayed for him and he came alive. He believes there’s something about introducing people. The place of divine introduction is to pray on our knees. We really don’t pray enough. Often we do not know which key to put into the door so the door will open: we pray the wrong prayers. You need the Holy Spirit to give you revelation as to which key to put in. When you pray, you bring God into your case. Prayer opens your heavens. When your heaven is open, sometimes you hear the answer even before you finish your prayer. When your heaven is closed, there’s nothing unique about you. Prayer opens impossible iron gates. Prayer sanitises your spiritual environment and makes it more difficult for demonic activities to take place. Prayer prepares the environment for the Kingdom to come on earth. Mosy Madugba then started introducing several types of prayers:

Sinless prayer:
For a pure heart. We need blood of Jesus’s blood to attune for us. Galatians 1:20.

Apostolic prayers:
Acts 4:21
Resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Acts 12:5
Acts 16:25
How do you pray? Do you pray like someone who has a chewing in their mouth, or do you pray like the Apostles? A prayer that shakes everywhere.

Prophetic prayers:
Prayers you pray by faith, using your authority as the child of God, to command creation to obey you. You use it to clear the way for yourself and open the heavens and do spiritual warfare and stop the enemy from trespassing your territory.
Psalm 24:7
Who is this Kingdom glory? The Lord, strong and mighty.
Matthew 4:35
Peace, be still.
Galatians 3-4

Angus Buchan

Changes come from people.
We need to know who we are in Christ!
Reformation requires change: to reform something is to change something.
2Corinthians 5:17
All things has passed away and you are a new creation.
Reformation starts with Jesus, and ends with Jesus. And the bible is Jesus in the Word.
Ezekiel 3:17-19

Claudio Freidzon

Reformation requires the presence. Transformation begins with that same determination that “Lord, I’m going to receive the touch of heaven in our lives. I know this morning begins a new time, I begin a new time in my life, there are going to things that are going to be left behind, but I will stretch forward toward God.
It’s time to move into a new spiritual address, here in Jerusalem. The Lord will transform me, and remove things that will hold me back, such as fear and anxiety. But now comes a new land, new purpose. Transformation comes by the Holy Spirit. Change begins with us. No one can change if the Holy Spirit doesn’t transform them, if the change isn’t spiritual. That’s why when the Holy Spirit touches you, a new determination begins, and that’s when the fire touches us and brings a new passion. Determination is to advance, to keep going, doesn’t matter what you’re going through, you will keep going, serving the Lord, being faithful to God. Acts 14 story of Paul: when he was stoned because there is a miracle in his ministry. He was dragged outside of the city because they thought he was dead. His disciples/brothers prayed for him, and the power of God got him up. Because of the miracle there was mayhem in the city. Many of us may feel emotionally stoned. We may have come to the city with our last strength, but the Holy Spirit will transform us, and we will return to our cities with a new determination. Our needs will be transformed. We need in each generation, and the generation in 2015 need more power and anointing than the generations of past years. It is not enough to study past revivals. Instead we need the fire of God to outpour here today. It is not enough to know that it happens in Azusa. We respect what has happened before, but we need to receive revival today. Men and women with a hunger of God who will change history. Personal experiences with the Holy Spirit. As Jesus said, we will do greater work than what He had done. Each generation is called to have its own spiritual experience. Elisha was the generation after Elijah. We are the generation that will see what the other generations have prayed for! We will see the glory of God being poured out in the revelations.

Vishal Mangalwadi

Topic: Recovering the New Jerusalem

Can these dry bones live?
Jerusalem’s renewal becomes a model that inspires reformers.
Last century evangelists entered into an escapist eschatology, that we escape our responsibility rather than reforming.
Stop reading all the commentators and start reading the OT prophets.
The Western civilisation is destroying itself by amputating its soul. Is there hope for America? Can these dry bones come back to life?
Buddhist, Hinduism etc. has a pessimism, fatalism that future cannot be better than the present, there’s no hope.
Can we go from slavery to a land of flowing honey?

Revelations 21: People from many nations will flock into Jerusalem, which is the bride of the lamb. Jerusalem is a light for the nations: Vision of hope and optimism. Western evangelism had reduced the meaning of reformation to being born again only. The nations will come here not to convert the Jews, but to be converted!
Read Isaiah chapters 2, 21, 45, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66: People come to Jerusalem to learn the law. American evangelism has given up on the law: There are no Protestant Supreme Court judges in the US. Justice is turned back and righteousness stands far away. Truth has stumbled in the public squares. Truth is lacking. Science is no longer about the truth. The Renewal of Jerusalem is when there is a return to truth. He who takes an oath in the land will swear by the God of truth. The truth sets us free. New heaven, new Earth…

Enlightenment movement: we think that by reason alone we can know the truth.
However, reason is not enough for revelation. Enlightenment is a Catholic heresy, but Protestants accept it.
Logic cannot prove God exists, or prove science, or that I exist. Self is an artificial construct. Because there’s no God, there can be no soul in you. There is God that’s why we exist as eternal and immortal souls. Democracy, reason and enlightenment came from Greek philosophy. The reason the West believes in the truth is because they learned from the bible. Everyone has to come to Jerusalem to learn. The king has a dream and called all the people in the kingdom to explain the meaning, but no one could. Daniel begins to pray, God revealed the dream to him and he went to the king. The king was amazed. God gave us the gift of language because He wanted to communicate the truth to us. Men’s deficiency in knowledge is the lack of knowledge of God. People who do not understand will destroy themselves. Isaiah 6: go and speak to these people, be ever seeing but never seeing, ever perceiving but never perceiving. Hosea 4: People without knowledge will come to ruin. There is a God who knows and will reveal it to us. Nations will turn to Israel because they no longer know the truth. Knowledge will be a battle between Athens and Jerusalem. As the West turned away from the word of God,

All men have evolved equally? Evolution is about inequality. The idea of human rights and equality came from the bible. Greek philosophy has come to a dead end. No one can look at Greece as an example today. One question about the future is whether India will cut up Israel or Israel or reform India? Isaiah 2: all the nations will flow to it, and He will judge between the nations. Nations is a peculiar Jewish idea. WWII America defeated Germany and Japan, and could have colonised those places to create United Empires. Why did US created United Nations, not United Empire? The bible divided mankind into nations. Nations are defined as people in a region with their own language governing themselves.

Abraham: great nation, 13 tribes. Bound together by a covenant/ constitution/ law. Abraham will disciple his children and his household after him. Why recover the idea of nations? Why was America 13 colonies not 13 nations after the war of Independence? Europe accepted the Jewish idea of nations. The Holy Empire of Rome broke into nation states. If you’re concerned about ISIS, what is ISIS? It is the rejection of the Jewish idea of nations. Why should we be nations of Iraq, Jordon, Syria, etc? Should be reunited under the Calipha. Why people come to join ISIS from other European nation? The education in universities destroy the concept of nations, saying German nationalism has caused the two World Wars. But that is precisely what’s destroying the world right now. What is the solution to the Middle East? Instead of blaming the Jewish idea of nations, but for them to come to the mountain of the Lord and be lifted up, so they can learn to become a great nation. The recovering the reformation vision of the New Jerusalem. God gave nations as inheritance to Abraham, to the ends of the earth. Israel was given to Abraham and all the nations has been given to Abraham’s descendant the Messiah. Read the NT through Jewish eyes. Pray that the intellectual world will look at the bible through Jewish eyes and not Greek eyes.

1 October, 2015

Mosy Madugba

Spiritual warfare prayers: We wrestle against spiritual forces of darkness. Because of that, we are told 2Corinthians 10:3, the issue of spiritual warfare is not optional. It’s something we have to do all the time. Luke 4: the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. Depression is warfare. To destroy the works of the devil is to confront him.

We are wired to win. We confront the enemy. We talk to God before we start the prayer. Then we confront and talk to the enemy. Then you talk back to God for the victory he has given to me. Palestinians are withdrawing the peace agreement but see Isaiah 7:7.

Mark 10:46, they went to Jericho, the blind man was healed. Blind Bartimaeus sat on the road begging all his life. His identity has been stolen by his sickness: he is known as the blind man. His address is by the roadside. The situation could change though, he wanted deliverance from his situation, and cried out to Jesus, and believed he could get out of his situation.

Dennis Balcomb

Topic: Reformation in the Chinese Church and Back to Jerusalem Mandate.

Christians in China was <0.5% when China became a communist nation 66 years ago. This has grown to 8-9% now. Protestant missionaries laid the foundation of missions. Later the Pentecostal truth were restored.

Revelations there are two churches with no rebuke. Chinese church is said to be like Smyrna.

635 AD first missionary to China. Many missionaries were martyred for their faith. 45,000 Christians martyred by beheading. Blood of the martyrs are the seed for the church.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit! Revival restored many truth to the church.

Hab 1:12-13, Inequity and sin in Jerusalem, no righteousness. Great crisis of faith. In China there was a great crisis of faith when persecutions came against the church. Habakkuk prayed and received visions! The bible and reformation is linked together. The bible and mission is linked together.
Preach doom and people just get miserable. Preach revival and people get motivated. Habakkuk realised God will judge the wicked people but he rejoices in the Lord.

Jane Hansen

God is in control! Daniel: He appoints kings. Everyone is placed there by God, for what God intends in this specific time in history as we move forward to the fulfilment of his time!

A few years ago Rick Joyner had felt God is saying “I will give you Islam if you will take it”.

Clash between the Middle East and Western Civilisation: Instability increasing around the world. Leader of Iran believes Israel will be gone under 25 years, but he doesn’t understand Israel functions on a divine mandate to survive. Habakkuk 1:5, look upon the nations and watch, for I will work a work in your day that you will not believe, even if you were told.

We’re seeing miracles. Heaven is invading earth. Satan can never say never. It is impossible for Satan to frustrate God’s plans.

The woman as “helper”: the original word means “divine help”. The woman’s seed will crush the enemy’s head. The woman was the first one to identify the enemy: “the snake deceived me”, so she identified the deceiver! Genesis 3:15. The enemy continues today to render women powerless, useless, silent, etc. The church has been slow to understand what God was bringing forth in the garden. For the image of God to be seen on the earth, it must come through both male and female functioning together, revealing heaven on earth. There’s been a hatred against women globally and in the spiritual realm. Rape is used as a weapon of war, the abuse and neglect of women. The core reason for the attitudes toward women is based in Genesis 3:15. The enemy knew who the women were called to be and that if women will come fully alive to who they are, the church will become dreadful to the enemy.

Genesis 22:17-18, God told Abraham, “In your seed, all the nations of the earth will be blessed”. The enemy wanted to destroy the seed before the seed could destroy him. People who will bring forth the seed and the majestic plan of God on earth. But Sarah was barren.

Never in history has there been such a worldwide awakening of the women.

Hannah a woman barren who cried out to God. She cried out at a time in the history where there was no word from God. Little did she know she was to birth the prophet that God needed at that time in history.

Deborah was a wise leader who knew what to do when war was at the gates. Today war is at our gates. God is calling for a company of Deborahs today! To be busy in their watchtowers as they pray! Even Barrack, a strong man of war, says to Deborah, “I’m not going without you”. God is fashioning a body for himself, male and female. There is reformation in the church, and God’s intentionality for his people is powerful and dreadful to the enemy.

God is awakening the church, not only quickening the women, but making them the Gentile womb that will rebirth the Jewish.
Romans 11, you do not support the root, but the root supports you!
You became a member of the household, partaking all the covenants and blessings of the Jewish people. We are nothing without them.
Matthew 23, Jesus said to the Jews, you will see me no more unless you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. We are to stand and support the tender shoot of Messianic Jewish believers. There must be the right alignment between the church and Israel for the birth to take place. The woman knows when the birthing pain has begun. The dominion is male and female.

The day will come when the Jews, who were the first missionaries to us, they shall be gathered in again. Until that shall be, the fullness of the church’s glory can never come. The restoration of Israel. Their gathering will be the life from the dead. Women, arise to the fullness of God’s intention for the female gender. Men arise, in your strength, and warrior spirit, to embrace the female gender as God’s purposed, because we will stand with her to the end no matter what it takes us.

Ruth is a symbol of every Gentile who has come to faith. Wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you will dwell, I will dwell. Your people, they’re my people. Your God, is my God.

Avi Mizrachi

Reformation: The devil could not reverse what has already happened but the reformation is not completed. The devil could only distort it, by distorting the church’s identity. The devil’s style is always subtle.

Did God really say He still has a continuing purpose for Israel?
Replacement theology is a trap: the belief that the Christian Church has replaced the Israelites as God's chosen people.

Acts 1:4, primary what Peter spoke about was the Kingdom of God. Acts Chapter 2 is the preaching. Repent, be baptised, and you shall receive the Holy Spirit. 24 verses were given to God’s continuing purposes for Israel.
Romans 11:25, Paul gave two warnings, ignorance and arrogance.
Unredeemed pride: the enemy knows that if they can get the Gentile Church disconnected from its Jewish roots, it’s like a ship without an anchor which loses its way. The Protestant reformation: what seemed like a reformation still has a lot of misinformation, as it was very anti-semantic, eg. Martin Luther. But we still owe a lot to the reformists as we won’t be here today without them.

“The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” When you have part of the truth but not the whole truth, you may come to a very wrong conclusion. This was what happened at the reformation: they know of grace by faith, but they neglected the part about God’s continuing purpose for Israel.

5 terrible consequences of replacement theology on the church today:
l   Much of the church does not see salvation through the wide-angle Hebraic. The church has a myopic view of the gospel and itself.
l   Believing something that’s just not true. There is only one way for the church: that we get grafted into Israel.
l   Doing something which Jesus never said to. It’s not salvation just for ourselves.
l   Lacking vision of the coming triumph.
l   One step removed from God without realising it. Israel is “the apple of God’s eye”. If we love someone we try to love what that person loves. When a couple have a gap between them, it’s an opportunity for the devil to split them apart.

Haggai 2: a great shaking that comes upon God’s house. What will happen to the church? If a house is not properly cemented to the foundation, the end result of the shaking will be a great collapse. The bits still cemented to the ground will stay standing as they are standing on a Kingdom that cannot be shaken!
Romans 11:25, all Israel being saved. The fullness of the Gentiles will be so empowering that the Jews will be amazed.
Ephesians 3:10, what God has always wanted to do, through the Church the manifold wisdom of God should be known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. Not just having impact on earth, but spiritual warfare in the heavens.

This is what the completion of the Reformation is all about. 

This movie trailer was played at the end

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