Sunday, 8 May 2022

Charlie 4-6 months


24 February, 2022


Charlie shows an interest in food. When I was holding him and eating an avocado, he dug his hands into the avocado and licked his hands


25 February, 2022


Over the last 2-3 days, while lying on his back, sometimes Charlie tries to lift his head and shoulder up a little. Looks like he is gaining more strength in preparation for sitting. During tummy time on the adult bed, sometimes he lifts his bums up and steps with his feet. Looks like his attempts to crawl is getting even better. He’s also getting quite cranky lately. I think it’s due to teething.


27 February, 2022


I placed Charlie on the bed and only looked away from a second, and he rolled off the bed!! Luckily there was no injury. But he was so shocked he cried for a minute. I think at this rate he can be started on solids in a few days’ time.


9 March, 2022


Brought Charlie to the physio today. She wasn’t able to perform the HINE test because Charlie started crying like crazy! She says Charlie's lower limb development is faster than the average milestone but upper body development a bit slower than average. So I will shift my focus to helping him practice sitting, especially tripod sitting.


10 March, 2022


Charlie is exactly 5 month old today.


The song "Zombie" popped up in my social media.

I remember hearing this as an elementary school student and all I could remember was a blond woman with a strange voice singing "Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie". Watching the music video now produced some very different feelings compared to hearing it as a kid, especially in the context of what is happening in Europe now (ie. bombing of a children and maternity hospital in Ukraine)! By the way, I never realised this was an Irish band, until all the IRA stuff kept popping up in the music video!


12 March, 2022


Charlie likes it when I hold him into standing position, and when he's on tummy time he lifts his whole buttock up trying to walk with the legs. I placed him in tripod sitting today and he remained sitting for quite a while before tumbling over.


14 March, 2022


Charlie is starting to become ticklish. When I place my hand in his neck under the chin, he giggles.


20 March, 2022


Chris was on AV today and during worship practice time, the music was so loud that Charlie started crying as soon as he was in the congregation hall. Had to take him to the parent room where the sound was much softer. Saw two other babies who are clearly older than Charlie: one was walking around, and one was sitting steadily playing toys, but they are both smaller than Charlie! Charlie is a pretty long baby indeed! A paediatrician friend at church did a brief physical examination on Charlie and he thinks Charlie is normal.


21 March, 2022


I cut Chris’ hair for the first time since Charlie was born. Some hair from my cloth got onto Charlie, so I used sticky tape to remove the hairs. Charlie giggled like crazy when I touched him with the sticky tape! When Charlie was doing tummy time, he got his body under the cot and didn’t know how to get his body back out again! He cried and I had to rescue him!


22 March, 2022


Our first time attending a Registry wedding! This is the second person from our bridal party who got married! Chris was a multi-tasking person impromptu: the ring bearer, the zoom video man, and the witness!


23 March, 2022


Fed Charlie solid for the first time! Avocado!



27 March, 2022


Charlie’s first time sitting in the high chair.


29 March, 2022


Charlie is now an expert of rolling around. He can roll long distances on the bed now and I have to be very careful in watching him because he can fall off any second I take my eyes off him! He’s now better at balancing and shifts his weight left and right constantly when he’s in the tummy time and tripod position.


30 March, 2022


Charlie now rolls to the left as well as the right and can roll so fast that he actually rolled off the bed today! The shock made him cry for a while, but there was no injuries. He’s often trying to get onto the 4 point kneeling position, but his upper body is still a bit too weak to get into this position properly. Hopefully he will succeed soon.


1 April, 2022


In the early hours of this morning, Charlie was crying and refused to sleep.  I had abdominal discomfort and a sudden dip in milk supply. I suspect I’ve got food poisoning. And it seems like Charlie was hungry. After feeding a large amount of expressed milk from the fridge, Charlie fell asleep. However, I continued having difficulty sleeping myself because of my gut upset. I wonder if it was the raw salmon I had for lunch, or the reheated chicken soup I had for dinner. Chris didn’t have gut upset. He didn’t eat as much of the salmon, and he heated his chicken soup hotter than mine.


2 April, 2022

My breast blocked up big time this morning. Both sides! In the past I have never had the left side block up! Wonder if it was the oily Shanghainese food I had last evening. Or the fats in the milk hardening up more easily because of the colder weather in the last two days.


3 April, 2022


Charlie has been cluster feeding the past few days. I wonder if it’s related to the 6 month growth spurt? He is looking bigger and fatter as well!


4 April, 2022


Charlie can now sit with a pretty straight back! It seemed to have happened so suddenly! He was still leaning forward quite a bit in tripod sitting yesterday and now he’s suddenly sitting up so much higher! Had to add in a formula top up for the first time since mid-December! Now I am sure it’s not my imagination that my milk supply is decreasing. My breast is not feeling as full and there is less milk coming out in the breast pumping sessions. I googled and realised that it is not uncommon for breastfeeding women to experience a dip in breast milk supply around the 6 months mark.


6 April, 2022


In the home group meeting tonight, Charlie was quite noisy and irritable. I wonder if it was because he’s developed stranger anxiety, or that he was hungry from my reduced milk supply over the last few days. My milk supply seemed to have increased today though, so hopefully he will not stay hungry for much longer. He’s more willing to eat solids as well, so I don’t think he will starve to a dangerous level anyways. Charlie is now able to grasp objects with his hand better than before! His fine motor skills have improved further! His movements are becoming more symmetrical and it seems like the right hand preference is disappearing. He can roll to either side spontaneously, and if he topples over from sitting he can topple in either direction.

10 April, 2022


Charlie is exactly 6 month old today. Thank God he is meeting the 6 month developmental milestones, which is quite reassuring for me as a parent. To summarise, he first started eating solids at 5.5 month old, and started sitting unsupported with a pretty straight back last week. He loves sucking his toes. His movements are symmetrical now and no longer displays any hand preferences. However, he’s blowing a lot of raspberries and becoming very noisy nowadays because he’s trying to talk. He is also starting to show signs of stranger anxiety! And guess what “gift” he gave me tonight? He bit my nipple with his teeth whilst feeding from my breast! Ouch! If he keeps doing that in the future, I’m going to give him expressed milk only! Charlie’s left eyelid turns into double eyelid crease from time to time since he was born, but the crease stayed folded for the past two days. As a child, I used to have a double eyelid crease on my left and single eyelid on my right. Maybe he’s having what I’ve got!



12 April, 2022


After being constipated for a few days, Charlie did a large poo, with some solid components, and more smelly than usual. I guess this is probably the consequence of starting solids? Tried to get Charlie to play a bit of piano today. Meanwhile, the last few months of continuous rain hadn’t done much good to my vegetable garden! The weather is finally good enough for me to tend the garden. The tomatoes, chillies and Woolworth basils have died. The leaves of the silver beet, potato leaves, and water spinach got eaten by worms. It seems like only the spring onions, chives, red basils and avocado plant are thriving! 


13 April, 2022


Charlie received his 6 month old vaccines along with his first flu vaccine! He seems quite sleepy and irritable afterwards, so I gave him his first ever Panadol. However, most of it came out with his drool.


Easter Long Weekend: Charlie’s first long distance trip, 15 hours Sydney to Brisbane and back

14-19 April, 2022

20 April, 2022


Saw the paediatric physiotherapist again. She thinks Charlie is on track with all the milestones and she doesn’t really think we need to go back again. I mentioned how Charlie is starting to go on all fours and lifting his bums up pretty high. The physio says that’s four point kneeling, and Charlie is likely to be able to go into the sitting position by himself within the next six weeks if he’s already doing this.


26 April, 2022


Charlie had been in a four point kneeling position for most of today, and yelling a lot. Then, in the afternoon, he was able to get from the kneeling position into the sitting position by himself for the first time!! Another major milestone, getting into a sitting position from tummy, at 6 months and 16 days.


27 April, 2022


Chris has just started his 10 week paternity leave. Worked for a full day for the first time since Charlie’s birth! And the first time Chris cared for Charlie for a whole day! It was actually unexpected for me. Nearly two months ago, I was discussing with our principal doctor about working full-time when Chris goes on paternity leave and discussed some possible times where I can work more. Later on, Chris didn’t think I need to work that much, but I forgot to mention this to my colleague. In fact, I kind of just forgot about the matter. So when I went to work today and saw that I was booked for the whole day, I was surprised initially. Had to work out a solution with Chris. So what ended up happening was, Chris installed the 6 month old baby car seat into his car and drove in to the clinic during my lunch break to pick up the milk I had expressed during morning tea and lunch break, so that there is enough expressed milk to feed Charlie for the whole day! This was also the day when I found out that I had been in brief contact with more than one person diagnosed with COVID recently. Although Chris and I didn’t have any symptoms, Charlie had a runny nose, so I decided to do a respiratory swab on Charlie. A colleague kindly gave me a NeilMed Nasal-Oral Aspirator sample to aspirate Charlie’s runny nose! In the evening, we were supposed to attend church home group, but nearly everyone in the group were struck down by respiratory illnesses, with many confirmed to have COVID, so it got changed to a web meeting, but Chris and I were too tired to attend after such a big day!


28 April, 2022


Charlie tested negative to COVID, positive to rhinovirus. I guess this was his first ever viral infection.


30 April, 2022


Charlie fell asleep in a kneeling position during midnight, which looks quite odd. Since Chris is on paternity leave and is frequently going to our new house that is still being built, thought we’d buy ear muffs for Charlie to protect him from construction noises. We bought the package that’s got sunglasses too, because I noticed the sun can sometimes shine into his eyes in the car. I think he looks like Korean singer DJ Koo 具俊曄 from CLON in the 1990s!

1 May, 2022


It’s not easy feeding Charlie solids. He is a really messy eater, and he often push the food out with his tongue or drool it out. And he still seems to like breast milk much better than solids. Today, I made a vegetable puree and the mess looks more obvious due to the colour of the puree. Charlie looks even more like his dad today, with this “moustache” around his mouth!

4 May, 2022


After working full days for a while, half days are starting to become a piece of cake in comparison! I’ve ordered more Muscle Chef meals, so I can pump my milk with less time wastage during lunch breaks.


5 May, 2022


I watched Charlie playing with Sophie the giraffe while sitting up and noticed that he transferred the giraffe from one hand to another. So looks like this is another milestone ticked off the list. However, he hadn’t done the “going from 4 point kneeling to sitting” thing again since the first time he did it more than a week ago, so maybe that was just an “accident”?


7 May, 2022


I increased the amount of solids for Charlie and he became constipated. His abdomen had become so heavy that he was not rolling over as easily as he usually did. After six days of not opening his bowels, he finally pooped today. There was one solid piece that was clearly more solid than any poo he’s ever done before. Apparently up to one week of not pooping is normal.


8 May, 2022


The first ever mother’s day I’ve spent with Charlie, and two days before Charlie turns 7 months. Time to think about what to do regarding Charlie’s care as I continue working, because Chris will be working again after his paternity leave and he probably won’t be able to work from home anymore.