Wednesday, 22 July 2020

COVID 19 diary part 4: The reopening and the second wave

8May, 2020
First time to encounter ear wax explosion when syringing ear wax! I think I will continue to wear face shields when I syringe people’s ear wax in the future!

16May, 2020
The city starts reopening. First time to eat seated inside a restaurant since the shutdown.

29May, 2020 The Pentecost
At 2:15-3pm, there were no patients, so I joined the online ICEJ Pentecostal Global Prayer meeting. It happened to be Australia's turn when I joined in, and Vanuatu was next. As soon as the Vanuatu session finished, the patients started to come in again. At 4pm, I finished work on time and it was Taiwan's turn, so follow along and pray. I packed up and left the clinic at 4:45pm. Walking towards the parking lot, the sky to the west was just golden in colour, similar to the "Golden Jerusalem" I saw in Jerusalem before. I have never seen such a golden sky in Australia. As soon I drove out of the parking lot, I saw a very clear rainbow on the eastern sky! But it is against the law to touch the mobile phone when one’s driving, so I didn’t have a chance to take a photo.

31May, 2020 Pentecost Sunday
Lots of beautiful autumn leaves around. The 7th anniversary since my father’s sudden passing post coronary artery stenting. 31May was also a traumatic day for my paternal grandfather, who witnessed thousands of dead bodies during the Taihoku Air Raid on 31May, 1945, and developed PTSD as a result. This in turn resulted in the dysfunctional family which my father had grown up in. I pray to God that this cursed day ceases being cursed in my family from my generation onwards.

10June, 2020
As winter approaches, our clinic principle doctors are becoming more cautious and got protective screens for everyone! Meanwhile, the face shield’s uneven refraction is making my eyes deteriorate, so I have swapped to wearing goggles.

22June, 2020
The situation in Melbourne is not looking good. There’s been some spillages of COVID19 from hotel quarantine, due to the usage of poorly trained, subcontracted security guards. However, there doesn’t seem to be any plans for NSW to close its borders to Victoria, and the school holidays is coming soon. I have a bad feeling about what is to come.

7July, 2020
NSW closes its border to Victoria. I think it’s a bit too late.

10July, 2020
QLD opens is border to NSW.

14July, 2020
Some Victorians got into NSW before the border closure and the disease is spreading fast! Four days after opening its border to NSW, QLD shuts border to 77 Sydney suburbs!

17July, 2020
Oh, no! International studies suggest those with blood type A have a higher risk of contracting and being hospitalised with COVID19! My husband and I will get wiped out by the process of natural selection if the COVID19 continues to run rampant!

19July, 2020
The Victorian Premier announced that face coverings would become mandatory in Melbourne and Mitchell Shire in three days’ time, with people caught without them facing a $200 fine. Wearing a mask is like, a common sense thing to do when there is a pandemic happening! Why does it take so long for the leaders in Australia to figure this out? I still haven’t diagnosed anyone with COVID19 so far. Not sure how long that record will last. But there is free entry for frontline workers to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum Sydney. Might as well grab this opportunity to go out and do something, in case NSW shuts down again.

The Justice League is sending out a CALL FOR LOCAL HEROES!

The Justice League wants to invite all our local heroes to have FREE ENTRY from July to August 3! Our heroes choose YOU to enjoy a day off and be the VIP as a thank you for all the support provided to our community.